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Windows Expert Tool is a free and safe to recover your passwords saved in web browsers, instant messengers on, in customer's e-mail, Wirelles their passwords (WEP /WAP), different passwords logins, passwords/data from your routers, your existing usb and product keys saved in all Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
Download latest version: Windows Expert Tool 3.9.3
File : Windows.Expert.Tool.exe
Size : 1,11 MB
CRC32 : 93c1ac63
MD5 : 0a4e6ac65b2c26ce389a18ca8a06c0b9
SHA1 : 602d13e2400c6b11349bc489f10a2d2f54398a11

Release Version 3.9.3 [2012/02/29]
* Save all passwords in text files (.txt)
* Update WebBrownserPass.exe without UPX Tool
* Changed color layout
* Changed Iconsabout:

This tool works on both architectures: Windows X64, Windows X86.
She works closely with other recovery tools Nirsoft Team.
All rights of these tools for developers due Nirsoft.
All passwords are saved as. Html files in folder''Passwords''.
Example: Passwords\FirefoxPass.html
It's safe and fast.

Virus scanner results:

Some security tools (antivirus and others) detects false-positive.
If this occurs, simply:
1 - Turn off your anti-virus
2 - Extract Windows Expert Tool.zip
3 - Run Windows Expert tool.exe
4 - All keys recovered ...
5 - Turn on your anti-virus
5 - Enjoy!
Currently recovering:

1 - Reveals Key Product Windows & Office:

* Microsoft Windows 98/ME
* Microsoft Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows NT
* Microsoft Windows XP
* Microsoft Windows Vista
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003
* Microsoft Windows 7 (Works only for some of the Windows 7 versions,
see the known problems section)
* Microsoft Office 2000 (Only ProductID is displayed)
* Microsoft Office 2003
* Microsoft Office 2007
* Microsoft Office 2010
* Microsoft SQL Server 2000
* Microsoft SQL Server 2005
* Microsoft Exchange Server 2000
* Microsoft Exchange Server 2003

2 - Reveals the passwords of the following instant messenger applications:

* MSN Messenger
* Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
* Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP/Vista/7)
* Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x)
* Google Talk
* ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003
* AOL Instant Messenger v4.6 or below, AIM 6.x, and AIM Pro.
* Trillian
* Trillian Astra
* Miranda
* GAIM/Pidgin
* MySpace IM
* PaltalkScene
* Digsby
3- Reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients:

* Outlook Express
* Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only)
* Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP
* Windows Mail
* Windows Live Mail
* IncrediMail
* Eudora
* Netscape 6.x/7.x (If the password is not encrypted with master
* Mozilla Thunderbird (If the password is not encrypted with master
* Group Mail Free
* Yahoo! Mail - If the password is saved in Yahoo! Messenger
* Hotmail/MSN mail - If the password is saved in MSN/Windows/Live
Messenger application.
* Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail Notifier application,
Google Desktop, or by Google Talk.
4 - Reveals the passwords of the following Firefox applications:

* All Mozila Firefox Web browser
5 - Reveals the passwords of the following Google Chrome Web browser...

* All Google Chrome Web browser
6 - Reveals the passwords of the following Opera Web browser...

* All Opera Web browser
7 - Reveals the passwords of the following Internet Explorer:

* All Internet Explorer Web browser Versions
8 - WEP/WAP:

* Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA)
9 - Recovers all dialup/VPN

* Enumerates all dialup/VPN entries on your computers,
and displays their logon details: User Name, Password, and Domain.
10 - Login passwords

* Login passwords of remote computers on your LAN.
Passwords of mail accounts on exchange server (stored by Outlook 2003)
Password of MSN Messenger /
Windows Messenger accounts
Internet Explorer 7.x and 8.x: passwords of password-protected Web sites ("Basic Authentication" or "Digest Access Authentication")
The item name of IE7 passwords always begin with "Microsoft_WinInet" prefix.
The passwords stored by Remote Desktop 6.
11 - Recover Router Passview

The backup file of the router usually contains important data like your
ISP user name/password, the login password of the router, and wireless
network keys.
12 - Reveals the passwords of the following Safari Web browser:

* Safari Web browser
13 - USB devices:

* Lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer,
as well as all USB devices that you previously used e save info.

Posted by ChoiBlogs.blogspot.com Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 3, 2012


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_ Ghé thăm tôi vào những lúc bạn vui hoặc buồn và khi cần hổ trợ gì đó !
_ Khi bài viết nào có lỗi: xin vui lòng góp ý chân thành! cảm ơn!!!

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